The Unforgettable Open House
The Unforgettable Open House

Make your open house truly unforgettable! Take a tip from us and change those open houses from "blah" to "aaaaahhhh" with our Unforgettable Open House Lead Generation System.


  • Manual outlining the "before", "during", and "after" events that will make your open house a success
  • 37 templates and content to deliver visual impact built to your open house. Ready for editing in Microsoft Publisher and including Denise's famous "Open House Book"
  • Instructions and tutorial videos on editing the templates

Bonus Materials

Order today and you will also receive these bonus items!

  • Open House Audio Guide How you can have incredibly successful open houses with expert advice from Denise Lones CSP, CMP on what to do before, during and after your open house.
  • Open House Digital Guidebook A visual guide for open house success, including how to identify and execute an open house lead generation strategy.
  • Open Houses in the Wired World Researched facts about the impact of open houses that every modern agent should know!

Fully Customizable Templates

All templates are customizable with your content, contact information, photos and branding. All templates include example content that you can use get started as quickly and easily as possible. Templates include: About the Area, Agent Biography, Amenities Map, Community Info, Dare to Compare, Home Features Sheet, Invitation Letter for Neighbors, Invitation Notecard, Remove Your Shoes, Price Appreciation Analysis, Special Feature Cards, Tour of Homes Book and twenty-four other ready-to-go templates!


The Unforgettable Open House Lead Generation System is available for Microsoft Publisher 2007/2010/2013 and Apple Pages, so whether you're a Mac or PC user, we've got you covered!

The Unforgettable Open House
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