The Pricing System

Expertise in property pricing requires more than knowing how to prepare a standard CMA.

After all, every real estate agent out there does that!

Whether they're buying or selling, today's consumers expect - and deserve - your expertise when it comes to assessing the value of what likely is, or may become, their most important asset.

We'll teach you a whole new way to look at pricing. This robust solution includes:

Praise for the
Pricing System

"Wow Denise. I just got finished listening to the first two CD's of the pricing system and I just had to tell you that I am already enlightened and empowered!!! In just a couple of hours of listening to you I am already connecting the dots! I cannot wait to get these ratios going so I am ready with something different for my next listing appointment. This really is going to set me apart and I can't wait to put all this information to good use. Thanks so much Denise!"

- Lynn R.

  • 3 audio CDs of Denise Lones introducing, discussing, and implementing The Pricing System
  • 10 Microsoft™ Publisher pricing templates with linked Excel™ spreadsheets
    • Days on Market
    • Price per square foot comparison
    • Listing to pending ratios table
    • Market Predictor using assessed values
    • Active Price Watch
    • Annual Sales Analysis
    • Annual Listings Analysis
    • Absorption Rate
    • What the Market is Buying
    • Listing to pending ratios graphs which includes a separate 13 page Publisher template containing automated graphs on listing to pending ratios - the heart of Denise's highly-successful Pricing System!
  • Pricing Props including:
    • Nine pricing props to help you explain the real estate market supply and demand to your sellers
    • High-impact CMA cover
    • "The Shell Game", which helps sellers understand where their home price falls in with other properties that have sold in the area
  • Form templates to help set the stage for the price reduction conversation with your sellers
    • Optimistic, Realistic, and Market pricing document
    • Pricing Recommendations document to show your recommended price reduction amount

And to make the concepts even easier to understand, we'll also include a guidebook that supplements your other materials.

The Pricing System is compatible with Microsoft™ Excel and Publisher 2007/2010/2013 and requires that you are able to store the files locally on your computer.

The Pricing System
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