Denise Lones, president and founder of The Lones Group, developed her custom Listing Presentation System after her experiences as a new agent in a highly-competitive market. She was very young when she started selling and looked it.
Walking up to the front of the house, the seller opened the front door, looked behind me like he was hoping someone else was coming with me, and asked, "Are you Denise?"
"Well... yes!" I stammered, unsure of why he was asking in such an incredulous tone.
"You're here to list my home?"
"Yes?" I answered, not liking at all where this was heading.
"Do you even own your own home? Oh wait…you probably still live with your mom and dad, don't you?" he asked in a mocking tone.
In fact, I did still live with my mom and dad. I opened my mouth to answer, but no words came out.
"Come back when you own your own home and know what it is like to be a homeowner!" he said and slammed the door in my face.
Not a great first experience with a listing appointment. I walked quickly to my car as I didn't want him to see the tears that had begun welling up. I drove a block away and began sobbing. At first, I cried because of how powerless I felt.
But then... I started to get mad. And I decided that I was never going to let anyone make me feel that way again. And the best way for someone to overcome an objection about my youth was to make it look like I knew way more about the real estate market than my competition.
I started by developing my Pricing System which evaluated the market, not the property. I developed language that no one else was using. In short order, I became known as that real estate agent who, "does that pricing thing," and I found that I rarely had to argue with sellers about price, because the market did the talking for me. I also began getting calls from sellers that I wasn't even marketing to! Word was getting around and my Pricing System was becoming a hot commodity.
A short time later, I began selling new construction. I noticed that builders put a lot of time, energy, and resources into developing the sales center. In fact, builders wouldn't begin selling a development without it. Sales centers create urgency and justify price. They make buyers feel secure knowing there is a process and professionals there at the ready.
In short, builders inspired me to take both my open houses (a whole other story) and my listing presentation to a whole new level and that is how I developed my highly-effective Listing Presentation System.
How effective was it? I was able to list and sell more than 125 homes a year.
"125 homes a year!?!"
Yes - 125 homes a year! How? Because the majority of my business was listings, that allowed me to leverage my time. I wasn't showing dozens of homes to buyers. I perfected my listing process, showcased what I did with my Listing Presentation System, and let the commission roll in.
I designed the Listing Presentation System to provide you with the tools and confidence to master every listing presentation, whether your goal is to sell ten houses per year, fifty, or more.