Please feel free to use these as your own and insert your local data to supplement national information we have included for you. This article is a bit longer than in previous years because we focused more on the 2024 recap and a deeper dive on the continuing issues our market is facing. You can send this out as two articles if needed.
There's more to business and life than planning for growth. Take a step to get closer to your core this year!
It's not only a new year around the corner, we are a quarter of a century into the 2000s and this is YOUR YEAR to shine! The market over the last few years has challenged even the best of agents, but it is time to finally STOP spinning your wheels, stop chasing this lead generation method or that, stop worrying about what every other agent is doing, and get focused on what YOU need to do to be successful.
Every agent should review their business plan at least once a year and starting before the holidays means being ready for success in the new year. Join Denise as we revisit plans from last year and consider what worked and what needs to be done differently. We will be providing you with a process you can use to evaluate and improve upon your business, to set yourself up for an amazing 2025.
Knowledge can inspire and take your business beyond the competition.