2024 has been quite a year for the housing industry. Interest rates kept us on our toes, the dust is still settling from the NAR settlement, agents are retooling their buyer and listing systems, we are digging an even greater hole in terms of our inventory, and now we even have insurance issues to bear. This year challenged both new and seasoned real estate professionals. Despite the challenges, there are big opportunities ahead for agents who know where to look.
Highly acclaimed by its thousands of attendees, State of the Market includes crucial information about important changes happening in our industry, historical and current market conditions, researched insight and predictions of where our market is going, and opportunities and talking-points for brokers to explore and capitalize upon.
Playback period ends March 15, 2024
Have you ever wondered how some real estate agents so effortlessly make a six figure income while others struggle so hard to barely scrape by? The simple fact is that some real estate agents are just smarter about marketing, yes, marketing. Here are a few marketing strategies I have used to help agents reach a six figure income.
Be smart about the Internet - Most real estate professionals do have some kind of presence on the Net, but very few truly maximize its power. Find out who is visiting your web site and what pages they frequent most. Make sure you utilize a statistics program to find out you're your site visitors are doing when they arrive at your site. If you don't have a stats program, GET ONE! Call an internet pro and learn how to analyze your stats.
Be different - Most real estate agents say the same thing on their marketing materials, "honest, reliable, trustworthy", well aren't those things that go without saying! Make your marketing message stand out and be different. Clients love to hear what is in it for them. Do you specialize in a particular area of the business? If you do then let your message reflect that. List your services and call it something different, example, "Denise's 27 point Marketing Program", make them wonder what those 27 points are. Always remember to make your marketing materials about client benefits, NOT, about how honest you are. Clients just naturally assume you should be honest and wonder why you need to state it, are others not honest?
Create a database and then use it - Do you know exactly how many people are in your database and what category they are in? Categories are so important because not every lead should be treated the same way. Your database categories could include: Past Clients, Potential Buyers and Potential Sellers, Current Clients, Contacts, Sphere, Family and Friends. The importance is not in what you call these databases but rather that you know where to put your names and how to access them to send suitable marketing materials. Don't just send one mass mailing as it will not suit particular groups in your database. Do not create a one size fits all marketing program.
Call to Action! - Make sure you include a Call to Action in all of your marketing messages. Advertising and marketing must be short, sweet and to the point! Make your message articulate and focused. A well designed marketing piece must move the prospects to take action. Why should they act now? You must state a direct benefit for them and create a sense of urgency for them to act.
Talk about what you know - A fantastic way to get your name out there and get some business is to present yourself as the local expert on the topic of Real Estate. There are many local group organizations that look for speakers to give their group some information on particular topics. You don't need to have a fancy speech and you definitely do not need to be a public speaker. Getting up in front of a small group is easy when you are prepared with a short handout and a give a quick summary of what is going on in the Real estate industry. You will be surprised at the business this can bring to you. A great place to start is by talking to your local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary club or local business associations. A short speech can bring you a lot of business and recognition and it doesn't cost you anymore than your time! Talking about your business IS marketing your business.
The most important thing to remember when trying to increase your business is to put yourself in your potential client's shoes. How would you like to be marketed to and what feels good for you. Chances are if you like it then so will your clients. The key to any great marketing campaign is in the consistency!