An Easy Way to do FSBO Searches
The easiest way to work with 40 FSBO listings at a time is to do your searches weekly, then categorize and rate the potential listing when you get it. For example: break them down to 5 to 8 categories.
The easiest way to work with 40 FSBO listings at a time to do their searches weekly is to categorize and rate the potential listing when you get it. For example: break them down to 5 to 8 categories as follows:
$150,000 - $175,000
$175,000 - $200,000
$200,000 - $225,000
$225,000 - $250,000
$250,000 - $275,000
What you can then do is look at the list of 40, look at their rating and simply count up how many individual FSBO's are in each of the categories. That will cut your search down from 40 to possibly 5 to 8 separate searches.
Then get the information, make your notes, highlight it and photocopy.