Denise Live Tuesdays and Market Survival Guide Fridays

Denise Live Tuesdays and Market Survival Guide Fridays

Denise Live Tuesdays and Market Survival Guide Fridays
Have you attended one of our Denise Live calls lately? If not, you are missing out on some incredible content!

Denise Live are live webinars every Tuesday at 9am Pacific and this July we have been all about developing your virtual business skills - virtual listing presentations, virtual open houses home tours, buyer consultations, virtual CMAs and brochures, virtual staging and renovations and more!

Market Survival Guide airs every Friday at noon Pacific with the latest housing industry updates and news that affects you! Earlier this month we contrasted urban versus suburban market performance. Last week we hosted special guest and senior loan officer Drew Ebner of Guild Mortgage and later this month on July 31 we'll be taking a closer look at the commercial market.

See our calendar for everything that's going on, get registered and get informed - Your business will thank you!

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