Branding Ideas for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Branding Ideas for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Brand identity has become such an important part of marketing that it is virtually impossible to identify even a single successful company that has not invested heavily in their brand. Unfortunately, few small businesses - and even fewer entrepreneurs or sales people associated with larger organizations - think about the importance of creating a brand.

Simply put, a brand is a visual representation of who you are, what you offer, and what experience the client will have when using your products or services. Brands function as "memory markers," allowing potential customers to quickly tap into an emotional, logical, and cultural experience associated with a brand. A brand is not just a logo, but logos, slogans, color palettes and materials that together create a visual representation that foretells the customer experience and identifies your business.

Download this white paper to learn why branding is critical to your success, what branding mistakes to avoid, how to identify with your target audience, what the parts of a brand are, and what your branding objectives should be.