Recent Additions to Club Zebra
Jun 5, 2024
This year's real estate season looks to be robust through the fall for many areas. If your area is experiencing a shortage of inventory, with homes quickly exiting the market almost as fast as they appear, clearly there is demand, but not enough homes. So where will your next listing come from?
Jun 4, 2024
This tool can help buyers visualize steps they need to take for financial readiness and potential risks of waiting. It can also provides you with the opportunity to reach out on a regular basis and provide client guidance.
Jun 4, 2024
Help first-time homebuyers make a plan for successful homebuying with the Homebuying Readiness Planner. This document can help buyers visual the steps they need to take for financial readiness and the potential risks of waiting (as rent can increase, prices go up, and it can be tough to chase the downpayment). This tool also provides YOU with an excuse to reach out on a regular basis.
Of course, we have added the disclaimers on there, but be sure to tell the buyers it is up to them to review financial decisions with a financial professional (lender, accountant) and this is just designed to be a guide - not a predictor of future performance.
May 31, 2024
Sometimes, a general inspection is only the beginning!
May 28, 2024
Creating a YouTube channel for your videos can be a confusing adventure, with various settings squirreled away in unexpected places and some of its best time-savers hidden right in plain sight. Join Randy Bowers, Director of Technology, as we create a new channel from scratch together. From branding to best practices, we’ll lay a solid foundation for successfully sharing your videos.
May 23, 2024
Whether it is flooring and materials or it is a new listing coming onto the market, there's no substitute for getting out from behind your computer screen and into the real world to experience it in person.
May 21, 2024
This month at Market Survival Guide: Home insurance turbulence, mortgage rates vs inflation update and analysis, existing home sales retreat due to lack of market inventory, regional housing market analysis, new construction, lending rates harming builder confidence, home permits update, economic news, Americans falling behind on credit debt, and opportunities for real estate agents.
May 21, 2024
Despite the shortage of housing, there are vacant homes everywhere. Vacancy may be listed in public records, in records accessible by your Title company, or they sometimes just stick out in a neighborhood. Why are homes vacant? Is there a marketing opportunity? We are going to dive into five reasons why a home may be vacant, how to investigate, and how to market to the owners if an opportunity exists.
May 15, 2024
Homeowner Insurance rates are on the rise - and some are finding their policies cancelled! What can homeowners do? This article outlines several items for homeowners to address before their next policy renewal.
May 15, 2024
Insurance companies are looking for ways to mitigate exposures and are looking at issues such as trees with branches that overhang onto roofs. This is a great time to look at some preventative tree maintenance.
May 15, 2024
Many homebuyers don't know about additional inspections that may be needed when buying a home to provide additional peace of mind. This article covers 10 of these professionals.
May 8, 2024
Misleading news headlines and content can lead your real estate business astray and waste your mental energy with fear and waste your time with misdirection.
May 7, 2024
Denise introduces products that home buyers are not seeing, but will want once they know about them. From behind the walls, under the floors, and beyond, these innovations that are making home building more efficient and creating a tighter building envelope.
May 2, 2024
If money were no object, what would you like to see in YOUR backyard?
Apr 30, 2024
Denise tackles topics like listing outside of your comfort zone, listing friends' homes vs referring them out, new construction conundrums - and more.
Apr 25, 2024
5 steps for identifying and overcoming the challenges that are holding your real estate business back.
Apr 24, 2024
It’s a hot topic and a hot potato. The proposed NAR Settlement is shaking up the buyer brokerage conversation across the country. Although there is still a lot of dust that will be settling, the writing is on the wall - you need to get prepared in order to talk with buyers about buyer brokerage compensation no matter WHAT your business model. We will review the items you need and discuss objection handling techniques that will prepare you for the next time your phone rings.
Apr 17, 2024
Are avocado-green appliances going to make a comeback? Will we see a return to wallpaper like it is the turn of the last century? Believe it or not, some old things are new again in new and imaginative ways. What are the color trends that you need to be aware of? Denise will share the trends you need to know.