Recent Additions to Club Zebra
Jun 15, 2016
A letter for sellers concerned about finding their next home soon enough.
Jun 15, 2016
A letter that illustrates the historical impact of interest on home equity.
Jun 7, 2016
Did you know that you can post to your WordPress website's blog by sending it an email? Yes, you can email your website and it will post what you sent to your blog. It's true! It's also really easy to do. You can even email a link to a video and your website will automatically embed it. Join us for this Mastery Forum where we'll show you how to turn this magic feature on and several live examples of how it works.
Jun 1, 2016
In this brief tutorial we are going to walk through the steps of setting up a mail merge between Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. Our goal is to merge a letter with a list of contacts so that we can send a personalized letter to many people without having to manually retype each recipients name in our greeting. We will be using the 2013 Microsoft Office versions of these programs.
May 31, 2016
Join Shauna for an exploration of print vendors. In this webinar we'll look at a variety of vendors, both on and offline. We'll discuss what to look for when choosing a vendor, questions you should ask before you commit, and what information you can provide to your new vendor to get your printing relationship off to a great start.
May 31, 2016
Are you looking for the 5 minute version of how to take one of our monthly Club Zebra client articles and put it into your article mailer template that we built for you in Microsoft® Publisher™? Look no further and follow along in this quick end-to-end guide.
May 17, 2016
With home inventory in short supply, finding sellers is the name of the game. We will also address buyers and getting people to take action. Mail is still a great medium to have your message heard!
May 17, 2016
With home inventory in short supply, finding sellers is the name of the game. We will also address buyers and getting people to take action. Mail is still a great medium to have your message heard!
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
May 16, 2016
Just because a market is fast doesn't mean a seller doesn't need to prepare! Get the ball rolling with important information on the steps a seller can be taking now to discuss strategy with you for a future move.
May 16, 2016
Educating buyers and sellers on why expertise and experience matters, especially when faced with commission cutting, can be tough! Take the time to educated on the things that make your business practices stand out and benefit your buyers and sellers.
May 16, 2016
With, you can easily put together a report by county or metropolitan statistical area. Use ours for the Seattle Metro area as a guide!
May 10, 2016
This introduction to tax liens is designed to provide you with an overview of the process so that you can determine if this is an investment strategy that you want to learn more about. Join Denise as she covers lien basics, tax lien certificates and deeds, as well as the municipal process for tax liens. She will also share tips for how to separate good tax lien opportunities from bad ones.
May 3, 2016
Your Mastery Dashboard is your online center for resources related to your year long Mastery coaching program. Join Randy as he takes you on a tour of the Dashboard, shows you how you can edit your timeline, access project related resources and more!
Apr 26, 2016
A community page - or neighborhood page - is a page on your website that introduces that community to your visitors. This is an excellent way to add depth to your website that both your visitors and search engines will appreciate. In this webinar we will show you how to create the community page, talk about what kind of content you might include on it, and show you how to add that page to your website's navigation. As a bonus, we'll also show you how to set your page up to show listings if your website is connected to IDX Broker's services.
Apr 19, 2016
A quick tutorial on how and why you should verify your YouTube Account
Apr 19, 2016
Are you thinking about incorporating video into your business but aren't sure where to start or even how a YouTube channel works? Join Shauna as she provides an overview of YouTube's Video Manager, discusses the three ways you can post a video for a specific audience, reviews attention-getting titles and finally, how to write a description that gets the viewership you want.
Apr 18, 2016
This Pro Forma template will provide you with the groundwork to do some information-gathering when working with an investor who intends to use the property as a rental. Be sure that all required disclaimers are included for your office, license, and area. You should add and delete pages as appropriate for your project. You don't need to include all pages for each project.
Apr 15, 2016
Tiny homes are all the rage, but many people have a difficult time beginning to go through their stuff. The problem gets worse as we get older and accumulate more. But by doing a Lifestyle Analysis, Space Analysis, Functional Analysis, and a Memorabilia Analysis to compartmentalize the job, it can become easier.