Recent Additions to Club Zebra
Sep 4, 2020
This week in Market Survival Guide: Rental markets and how they will affect the real estate market, surging pendings over listings, extended closing delays and how to deal with tardy lenders, forbearance repercussions, underwriters are playing it safe and what that means for your transactions and your own loans, appraisal challenges, how lack of inventory is making agents pushy and your rights and responsibilities, year-over-year listings and prices and time-on-market nationally, rental properties and the single-unit owner problem, buying occupied properties and eviction moratorium industry impact, housing market recovery update and predictions, and answers to your questions.
Sep 1, 2020
Everyone knows, real estate is a relationship business - whether it’s a listing presentation, a negotiation, or in your marketing. This September we’re going to be looking at communication skills for working with different personalities – how to read your client, a broker, or even a family member, so that you can effectively understand and respond to their needs. Understanding personalities is key to reducing relationship stress, avoiding communication mistakes, marketing your business, and so much more.
Aug 28, 2020
This week in Market Survival Guide: more news about FHFA's Adverse Market Fee, generational housing is surging, elections affecting your closings, last minute underwriting demands, national housing market facts, impact of covid-triggered lifestyle changes on housing markets, and answers to your questions.
Aug 25, 2020
Most brokers search for new ideas to add to their business, hoping and believing that it will propel them to success, when in fact it is the act of editing that often brings about the greatest results. In this webinar Denise will be discussing how editing can help you with examples of how you can edit your business, your space, and even tips for editing caustic communication.
Aug 21, 2020
This week in Market Survival Guide: Washington State housing markets by county, Capitol Hill, effects of urban areas exporting buyers, issues in new construction, changes in housing styles, update on lumber shortage effects and development costs, home repair trade shortages, and answers to your many questions!
Aug 18, 2020
Similar listings have since listed and sold at similar price to what your seller is offering, but your listing is still adding days-on-market. Is it the marketing, the area, the price, or something else? Get advice for how to put on your detective hat and figure out what’s really going on so that you can approach your client with a confident recommendation. Don’t miss it!
Aug 15, 2020
Many homeowners have grown a green thumb in the time of COVID. However, what happens when things get busy and they no longer have time for weeding and maintenance? Homeowners can keep their yards looking neat and lush with a little planning.
Aug 15, 2020
Despite historically low interest rates, it is a difficult time to buy a house due to low inventory. But if buyers get prepared and listen to advice, buying a home is possible.
Aug 14, 2020
This week in Market Survival Guide: FHFA introduces the Adverse Market Fee on refinanced mortgage loans and how it affects homeowners, lenders and you; elections and how they affect the real estate market, national inventory challenges, advice for communicating with buyers and sellers, and answers to your questions.
Aug 11, 2020
Yes, you could send your prospects, buyers, and sellers information through the post – but in today's busy market, who has the time to wait? You need options that can impress and communicate right away. This week we are going to be looking at the best options for putting together CMAs, brochures, listing packages and more, that will impress your clients with both great information and how prepared you are.
Aug 7, 2020
This week in Market Survival Guide: lumber shortages and their effect on the real estate market, the Housing Opportunity Index and affordability crisis, metro median-listing stats nationwide, NAR Recovery Index, the negative-inventory market and the suburban migration, July unemployment summary and by sector, new construction, forecasting the market, and answers to your questions.
Aug 4, 2020
What you can do when you are working with buyers and are unable to bring them into a home for a showing. How should you prepare? What’s should be top-of-mind while you are taking them through the home and what should you always include when discussing the neighborhood and surrounding area? Make sure your buyers can confidently make the right decision, even while under pressure in today’s fast moving market.
Jul 31, 2020
This week in Market Survival Guide we are looking at how Covid-19 has been affecting the home market on a national level, how it has been affecting iBuyers, and we'll also be talking about commercial real estate markets.
Jul 28, 2020
What do you do when your listing is lacking visual appeal and physical staging isn’t an option? Or maybe your buyer is considering buying to remodel, but is having trouble seeing past the parade of worn and dated homes. How can you help them recognize opportunity? If you haven’t taken a closer look at virtual staging and renovations, it is time! There are lots of options and Denise will help you cut through the noise so that you can help your clients visualize new possibilities.
Jul 24, 2020
This week in Market Survival Guide in money week with special guest and senior loan officer at Guild Mortgage, Drew Ebner. We're going to be looking at how Coronavirus has affected mortgage markets, bonds and lending and how that is affecting you as a real estate broker.
Jul 21, 2020
It may be a social distancing world, but there will always be buyers who want to buy. This week we continue our Virtual Services series, turning our attention to skills you need to master for converting and closing buyer clients. Follow along with Denise as she discusses how to hold a virtual consultations that give your buyer the information that they need to confidently make an offer in today’s market.
Jul 17, 2020
This week in Market Survival Guide: changes in suburban vs urban markets, how to measure your local market, what kind of homes are people are searching for, national metro hotness, top suburban areas for listing views, and answers to your questions.
Jul 15, 2020
Your clients may be thinking about refinancing, but does it make sense to do so? If it was free, of course! But usually there is a cost involved which needs to be taken into consideration. How many months in savings will it take to "pay off" the refinance? Do the math!