Recent Additions to Club Zebra
Jun 15, 2022
Homeowners are used to putting their address in a search engine and seeing the resulting home value. When you show up with a different one, they need to understand how you may have gotten to a different number or range. This is not only an article to send to your clients, this might also be content you add to your listing presentation.
Jun 15, 2022
Outdoor living spaces are in high demand. Backyard amenities can add big bucks to your home's value. Here are some of the unique features buyers are looking for. What are your favorite outdoor spaces or activities?
Jun 14, 2022
Everyone needs a break. However, if you are plugged-into your business the whole time than all you’ve really done is changed your office location. Learn the 20-percent rule and how to build a successful backup team you can confidently trust cover your business so that you can vacation with peace-of-mind.
Jun 13, 2022
Going on vacation? Want to share business in a more-equal manner? No more giving away half your compensation to an agent who opens a few doors. This worksheet will allow you to look at a transaction in a more-equitable manner and give value to different components of the transaction. Agents are then compensated based on their contributions. It is fair and easy!
Jun 9, 2022
How awareness of how you spend your day can increase your efficiency and give you more time to do the things you really want.
Jun 9, 2022
Blue dip-dye gradients, but look professional and polished.
Jun 7, 2022
Creating balance is something we all could be better at, but as an agent it can be a challenge with a changing schedule and shifting client demands. Learn from this discussion about how to create measurable quality-of-life goals and a plan for achieving them.
Jun 1, 2022
There are hidden costs to month after month of hard-work to your health, quality-of-life, relationships, quality-of-work, and more. Here are three steps to avoiding burn-out that will help you find your path to better work-play balance.
Jun 1, 2022
A vision for a crisp, clean, and cool brand to give her a polished appearance.
May 31, 2022
Establishing yourself as the local go-to expert takes work, but pays in rewards. Ready to up your local presence? Guest expert Randy Bowers has the answers you are looking for: from choosing your target audience, to building expertise, to developing rapport, and an online plan to support it.
May 26, 2022
Whether you are a real estate agent who is looking for a solid starting place for an online marketing campaign or just in need of a something that will impress visitors without costing a fortune – here are seven traits to look for.
May 26, 2022
A vision of a high-contrast, elegant brand to appeal to Southern California clients.
May 24, 2022
LinkedIn is an essential tool for positioning yourself as a real estate expert. It’s not just talk! We have seen agents nail some big transaction deals because of LinkedIn. Guest expert and Lones Group CEO Shauna Naf shows you how to take your LinkedIn profile beyond All-Star.
May 18, 2022
Technology hasn't been sitting still. Join us for a peek at upcoming real estate technology from the fields of artificial intelligence, property technology, smart homes, and virtual reality!
May 17, 2022
This week in Market Survival Guide: consumer sentiment and economic consequences, builder sentiment, federal Reserve rate increases and what to expect with your real estate clients, consumers receive bank letters on increasing rates of return, the "overvalued" areas of the county and what that means, and answers to your questions.
May 15, 2022
Also included this month you will find a simple Mortgage and Interest Rate Chart for easily calculating costs, so that you can adjust for interest rates in your area or for other times of the year.
May 15, 2022
An updated kitchen doesn't have to cost tens of thousands of dollars! Here are some tips that homeowners or would-be sellers can consider when exploring a kitchen update.
May 15, 2022
Some buyers are saving up, waiting to make the jump into homeownership when they can avoid paying mortgage insurance. But waiting can actually cost more than the cost of mortgage insurance AND they may be missing out on price gains. This article includes a very compelling example that you should show to every first time homebuyer on your potential client list.