Recordings of our monthly Club Zebra PRO telecoaching calls with real estate expert Denise Lones. See the Event Calendar for future call dates.
Denise touches on a few of her 2020 predictions and discussed how you can take advantage of trends in the new year.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
This is about clients with peculiar needs. They may not be unrealistic about price, but they may be a buyer looking for a type of property that just doesn’t come on the market that often. They could be a seller whose very unique property isn't off-putting, but is just plain weird. Denise has ideas to help you with marketing or reverse-marketing tough-to-fulfill clients and properties.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
You may have a seller who is unrealistic on price, a buyer who doesn’t have the budget for what they want, a partnership that just is not working out, or even a photographer who doesn’t know what they are doing. As sales people, we want to connect and make everything work, but sometimes it is costing you time, money, headaches, and dragging out the inevitable isn’t good for anyone. But how do you frame up a tough conversation and try to end on a positive note?
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
It seems like not a day goes by that there isn't a reason to throw in the towel on your real estate career. From misbehaving agents to overly-demanding and unrealistic clients, to industry news that makes you want to bury your head in the sand, how can you possibly stay positive and stay above it? Denise has got some great pointers and ways to shield yourself from the negativity that can K.O. your mojo.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
What do you say when someone asks you what you do for a living? Does your answer make them ask more questions or turn away awkwardly? We are going to discuss the makings of a great elevator speech so you can be excited for the next time someone asks you that question.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
It is easy to get worked up when someone questions your integrity or if they are making a problem into a much bigger issue than it really is. Denise shares an easy-to-follow formula that will help you take control of yourself, allowing you more control of the situation.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
Whether you are considering retiring in a few years or have been approached by an agent thinking of retiring, what are the next steps? This is a question that comes up time and time again. Learn how you can set up a relationship with an agent who can succeed you, an agreement that is fair and profitable for both sides.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
What do your potential clients need from you? Information? Attention? Rapport? Follow-Up and Consistency? Whether you are at an open house or just got a sign call, how you interact and follow-up is critical.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
Although this isn’t a super-fun topic, if tax time has you stressed, this is a great time to make a resolution to do things a little differently next year.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
Are you thinking of expanding your lead generation toolbox to take advantage of current market conditions? Join us as Denise outlines a successful approach for converting expired listings into clients.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
From assistants to even having reliable lenders, handymen, transaction managers and more, there are a lot of people involved in a transaction. First, we are going to explore how to get the wrong people off your bus and then, how to get the right folks on!
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
There are so many brokerage options out there, should you make a move? How do you decide whether you should go or stay? If you do decide to make a move, how should you go about doing it? Learn when it's the right time to change and how to make it happen without a costly loss of time, relationships and money.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
It's always a great time to clean and reorganize your office. However, so many office space solutions don't stick because they are too complicated and things still don't have a home. Join us as we discuss the most important nine square feet of real estate around your seat.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
Real estate markets change all the time, but if recent changes have you in a tither, join us to learn how to stay on top of market changes, how to alert your buyers and sellers of how this change can mean opportunity and how to adjust your marketing plan and message.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
How many times have you gotten a call from a homeowner ready to sell, only to arrive at the house and find the house is next-door to a problem? From hoarders to perpetual remodelers, outspoken political critics, and even people who are just downright mad about boundary line debates, trees, and even wayward pets, what do you do when a listing has the potential to be a disaster? We are going to address it all and welcome your scenarios as well!
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
Whether your audience is first time home buyers, new investors, downsizing seniors, vacation property buyers or someone else, hosting classes and seminars can be a great way to connect and share your expertise. We'll cover what make a great class, including invitations, advertising, publicity, class materials and follow-up.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
We will cover some investment basics as well as language you can use to get the conversation going as well as some research you should be doing to gain the knowledge you need.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!
We are going to be re-examining how you work with buyers in an inventory-challenged market with some strategies for success. From prepping the buyers and getting them prepared for what it takes to win to working collaboratively with the listing agent and perks to include in your offer, we will give you the tools and strength to help your buyers compete.
This is the first five minutes of this Club Call. For the full recording or to participate in an upcoming club call, join Club Zebra PRO!