Are you buyers sitting on the fence rather than engaging with the market? Are you spending too much time touring the wrong properties? Learn how to serve your buyers more effectively. It's not just better for your business, it is better service too!
As home prices and interest rates rise, homebuyers may need to get creative when it comes to covering their monthly payment. Or perhaps you have a homeowner interested in using their property to raise more capital for another investment.
Whatever the case, House Hacking is a term that you should become familiar with. This calculator will help you run scenarios with your income-savvy homeowners and get them thinking creatively about how they can make their property work for their pocketbook. You can even provide this as a gift to your new homeowners or create your own class around it. The possibilities are endless once you start getting creative.
Learn how to discuss the current market opportunities with your clients.
When a seller is not wanting to trade in their low-rate mortgage and have instead decided to stay in a home that is no longer fitting their needs, they may need your help to evaluate the true costs involved in staying versus moving.
When I ask Real Estate agents to show me what services they offer for buyers they usually look at me with a blank stare. They then usually say that they don't have a specific written plan or package for buyers. If this is you then you MUST get this CD. Today's buyers want to know what you do that is different from everyone else. You need to know how to showcase your services and how to show on paper exactly what you have to offer. Buyers packages make you look professional and save you time from running around scrambling to gather materials every time you need to send out some information to new buyers.
We need to help buyers get beyond the thought that interest rates are coming down significantly and residential real estate prices are not expected to decline due to our inventory shortage. It is time to help buyers look into the future. To do that, you need tools to help them decide how to take the next step. Providing an Interest Rate and Payment Table is the first step to help them get there.
I had a meeting last week with David Maider, a broker with Windermere Real Estate. Dave was in my coaching program for brokers last year, and he has always had great ideas and strong opinions about how to succeed in the real estate business. As a result, he’s cultivated a strong and successful group of agents in his office.
Don't worry, this class is for everyone! Your 8th grade math teacher may not have been right in that you have to use algebra regularly later in life, but in today’s Mastery forum, Shauna will be reviewing four formulas that will help you communicate more-clearly with your clients. She will show you how to break down big, abstract issues and decisions that your clients will be faced with and show you how to clearly articulate the effects of those decisions in their future.
Today Denise talks about the power of taking your buyers out on a neighborhood tour first, rather than having them look at houses first. Learn why this can save you hours or even weeks finding a buyer's next home.
In this episode of Overcoming Objections, Denise is meeting with a buyer who just can't seem to find what they are looking for. The buyer actually thinks that it's Denise's fault that they can't find the right home to buy. The question is, how is she going to deal with this? Watch and find out!
Not only is knowing your personality type important for determining the strengths and challenges you face when it comes to adjusting your business plan, it is also important for considering how you communicate with others. Familiarize yourself with this handy overview of the different personality-types and how it affects sales behavior, priorities, expectations, reactions to stress, how they treat money and much, much more.
This buyer pledge agreement may be provided alongside your MLS-provided Buyer Agency Agreement. Make sure you add any additional services you offer and delete those you don't. You may want to include graphics or icons and any membership logos that are applicable and build your value.
Now that you have your leads situated in you Potential Income Tracker, it is time to develop a conversion plan that will translate to written contracts! While I recommend that you follow-up with your core database once a month, you really must be following up with your P.I.T. clients once a week. Follow along as we discuss the impact of personalities on your personal income tracker and what follow-up and client care for these different personalities looks like, weather your client is a buyer or a seller.
Denise introduces the power of using packages in your real estate business. Are you one of the 10% of agents who are using packages? Learn why you should be using packages with this presentation on the Buyers Package.
Have potential buyers who think they want to rent instead? Show them the power of the future with the Rent vs Buy Calculator!
Renting can become not such a great deal when faced with the prospects of rising rent and stable mortgage payments. Run scenarios with your potential buyers and help them determine if it is the right fit for them, both now and in the future.
While none of us has a crystal ball, we can use the past to help determine what may lie ahead. Use this information to help your potential buyers make a good decision based on their scenario.
If you've been in the real estate business for any period of time, you've probably noticed that everybody is different. You naturally connect with some clients while others just can't seem to communicate with you. Why is that? Learn to listen for clues to your client's personality and how to talk to them in a way they'll respond to.
The need for people to buy and sell property doesn't stop for the holidays and being the agent willing to do business can be lucrative during what others believe to be a "slow" time of the year. Join Denise for a discussion on who the Holiday Buyer is, what to consider when working with buyers and sellers during the holidays and the information that they need, and how to set your holiday business boundaries.
Then, Now, and Later will allow you to compare three different moments in time for buyers to understand the approximate value and monthly payment a year ago in a certain area, now, and what might happen in a year. This is especially important as interest rates have adjusted. It is important to look ahead as well as there may be a cost to not moving forward.
Today's home buyers have high expectations of their real estate agent. Do you make the grade? See at a glance what buyers are most concerned about as they begin hunting for a home. Learn what they want from their agent and the results they want from their home search.
A Conversion Tool for Helping Sellers Visualize the Next Step: This worksheet allows you to help a seller analyze their current mortgage payment, additional housing costs, additional costs involved with not moving, and the corresponding expenses for the next step.