
Discover the power and difference that video makes as a communication medium. We cover video email, tips for looking your best, and ideas for using video as a marketing tool in your business. Video is for everyone, even the camera-shy!

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Creating a Camera Presence, Part 1

We will be discussing the importance of bringing out your natural style in your videos. You will learn the importance of: story boarding to create interesting videos, dos and don’ts to showcase your style, pacing to keep the viewer intrigued.

Creating a Camera Presence, Part 2

Previously, in part one, we covered story boarding and pacing. In this webinar you will learn the latest software that is making it easier for agents to edit videos and how to create a video plan to boost your business.

Denise Live! Getting Comfortable with Video

Over recent years we have seen agents willing to incorporate video into their business strategy enjoy greater business success. They are reaching more people and fostering faster client relationships. Today, we will be sharing ways to incorporate more video into your business, how to overcome obstacles between you and creating videos, and ideas that you can start using for creating your own videos right away.

Denise Live! Let's Build a YouTube Channel

Creating a YouTube channel for your videos can be a confusing adventure, with various settings squirreled away in unexpected places and some of its best time-savers hidden right in plain sight. Join Randy Bowers, Director of Technology, as we create a new channel from scratch together. From branding to best practices, we’ll lay a solid foundation for successfully sharing your videos.

Denise Live! Tech Tips with Special Guest Sean Werner

Sean Werner is a veteran Senior Loan Officer with Paramount Residential Mortgage Group for over 25 years. Sean teaches an Identity Coaching with Tech class and has created a series of short videos for real estate agents, covering tech tips for how to save time while on-the-go.

Posting a Video to YouTube

Are you thinking about incorporating video into your business but aren't sure where to start or even how a YouTube channel works? Join Shauna as she provides an overview of YouTube's Video Manager, discusses the three ways you can post a video for a specific audience, reviews attention-getting titles and finally, how to write a description that gets the viewership you want.

Video checklist! But not without your video checklist.

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