Tips and strategies for marketing your listings and catching that buyer who will both pay top dollar and complete the closing.
This November, as we head into the holiday season, we are going to be talking about developing strategies to keep listings fresh and traffic moving for the holidays. We'll also be covering how to keep your buyers focused on taking advantage of this time when their attention may be pulled in many different directions, what kinds of house hunters are out there this season and how to attract them, and tips for what to say when your client asks you a question about how their end of the year sale or purchase will affect their taxes.
This is about clients with peculiar needs. They may not be unrealistic about price, but they may be a buyer looking for a type of property that just doesn’t come on the market that often. They could be a seller whose very unique property isn't off-putting, but is just plain weird. Denise has ideas to help you with marketing or reverse-marketing tough-to-fulfill clients and properties.
In October's call we discuss different types of unique homes - from odd lot layouts to downright funky floor plans. Denise covers do's-and-don'ts, how to market them (and maybe get some free marketing in the process) and how to attract that special buyer. We'll also share tips for showing homes with stairs - lots of stairs!
Have a listing that isn’t selling? Is it the house? Is it the price? Is it the market? Is it the competition? What is holding your property listing back may not be what you think it is. Denise shows you how to challenge assumptions, zero in on the real issues, and overcome them.
In part two, we continue our discussion of identifying and overcoming listing issues that get in the way of a successful sale and examine two listings submitted by our members.
There is a gray area when it comes to the color gray - some are green, some blue, and some have undertones that you would never expect. When it comes to resale dollars, gray can absolutely make or ruin a room. Learn how paint can be the most effective makeover when preparing a home for sale and how to make the right choices when picking a color.
First impressions matter and most listings are seen by potential buyers for the first time online. We usually start with the front of the house, but where do you go from there? Overhead drone photos? The powder room? Denise shares her advice for elevating your photo quality and presentation strategy.
In part two we will be continuing our discussion of listing photo strategy and answering the many questions we received in part one. We will be covering topics like virtual staging, special features, photo staging, preparation, and more.
Middle-housing and ADUs are gaining mindshare with the public. How do you recognize an opportunity for additional investment dollars and what should you be aware of before discussing an investment buyer strategy with your seller? Should you prepare the property differently? What language and features will attract potential investors’ attention? Denise discusses the ins-and-outs of investment listing strategy.
Just because a photographer takes a photo doesn’t mean you should use it for your listing. You may have a process for placing photos in the MLS, but it may be time to rethink your photo order strategy.
Holiday listings can be both challenging and a fantastic opportunity. Join us as we talk about approaching clients regarding listing over the holidays, setting expectations and boundaries, why holidays can be an excellent time to list, and how to really get the most out of a holiday home listing.
When health concerns and a listing market inventory measured in days meet, showing management can suddenly become critical to getting top listing dollars. Are you ready for over-booking brokerages, auto-booking services, and brokers marketing showing appointments who don’t even have a buyer yet? Denise shares a sane approach to showing management in today's wild market.
Most real estate professionals don’t think too much about signage. We call the sign company to install a for sale sign or we put out open house signs on the weekend - but when was the last time you really thought about your signage strategy? We are talking about yard arms, riders, sandwich boards, car decals, fun sign props, call-outs, QR codes, and more. There are uses for signs that you probably have never even heard of!
This episode, Denise is discussing opportunities for easy backyard makeovers that do wonders for building listing value, covering layout, easy landscaping, highlights, and other elements for an quick backyard makeover!
Similar listings have since listed and sold at similar price to what your seller is offering, but your listing is still adding days-on-market. Is it the marketing, the area, the price, or something else? Get advice for how to put on your detective hat and figure out what’s really going on so that you can approach your client with a confident recommendation. Don’t miss it!
This seller pledge agreement may be provided alongside your MLS-provided Seller Agency Agreement. Make sure you add any additional services you offer and delete those you don't. You may want to include graphics or icons and any membership logos that are applicable and build your value.
The need for people to buy and sell property doesn't stop for the holidays and being the agent willing to do business can be lucrative during what others believe to be a "slow" time of the year. Join Denise for a discussion on who the Holiday Buyer is, what to consider when working with buyers and sellers during the holidays and the information that they need, and how to set your holiday business boundaries.
Denise reveals a sellers agent tip - the Top Ten. Learn how this tip works and can get the attention of buyers in your area.