Learn how to find the right brokerage, what you should be doing when you are there, what you should consider first when being recruited, and more.
There are so many brokerage options out there, should you make a move? How do you decide whether you should go or stay? If you do decide to make a move, how should you go about doing it? Learn when it's the right time to change and how to make it happen without a costly loss of time, relationships and money.
What do you do when a stranger calls and you only have a moment to capture their potential future business. Learn what NOT to say and how to speak so the caller will want to talk to you. Learn how to guide the call and have the caller wanting to hear what else you have to say. Find out the easy way to capture their contact information without sounding like a telemarketer.
This year, there is one question agents have asked me more than in any other year: "Denise, I'm thinking about leaving my brokerage for a different one. Should I make the move?" It's understandable that you may be thinking about moving to a different office. Granted, this year has been a challenge. But before you take the big leap, I want you to ask yourself why you're thinking about moving. Is it for the right reasons or for the wrong reasons? Do you really think the grass will be greener on the other side?