
It's all about price! As a real estate agent you have a great deal of influence over setting pricing expectations and guiding price decisions. Learn how to approach pricing discussions that set the stage for a successful transaction.

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Assessed Value Analysis

Pricing a home can be difficult. We recommend arriving at a price range a few different ways. Sellers are already looking online and getting confused by the myriad of prices they see for their own property and CMAs they receive from other agents. In order to be different and to have sellers have confidence in your pricing, you need to have more proof than other agents. The Assessed Value Analysis is a great way to look at price a little differently and to gain that confidence.

Calculating Appreciation Rates

Want to calculate appreciation rates but not sure how to start? Read this for some great advice!

Club Call - Avoiding Pricing Pitfalls

No comps for the property? Small buyer pool? Home needs updating? The bottom line is "houses sell if they're priced well." Listen to our June Club Zebra call as Denise shares the pricing pitfalls that agents face and what to do about them. If you have properties that linger on the market, she'll show you how to fix the problem and deepen the buyer pool to get your properties SOLD. Curious about how to price different waterfront properties? How to compete with agents who overprice at listing presentations? This call has that and more.

Denise Live! Don't Fall In to the Pricing Trap

Think you’ve won the listing? Not so fast. It’s time to have the pricing talk. Your seller knows they have what is in demand, they’ve been watching listings in their neighborhood and they know in their hearts that their home is even better. Are you ready to bring them back to reality without alienating your seller?

Denise Live! Finding the Market Sweet Spot

Whether you are trying to price a home, develop a solid buyer strategy, or you are looking for lead generation opportunities for yourself, the best tool at your disposal is the MLS. Today we are going to show you six clues to use to find your market sweet spot.

Denise Live! Market Activity Reports

Denise made her mark with sellers through weekly reporting. Many agents got out of the habit of seller reporting, but it is one of those services that will keep sellers impressed, even if they don’t like the data. It can also make the case for a price reduction.

Denise Live! New Listing Presentation for the New Market, Part 1

Today’s sellers are more savvy than ever before. You need to understand their way of thinking and their expectations from a real estate professional, they want a market expert with strategies that will help them win. In other words, in order for you to win, you need to adapt your listing presentation. In part one of this two part series we will be discussing seller psychology, strategy, and the opening conversation you must have with every seller.

Denise Live! Overpriced Listing? Your Price Reduction Success Strategy

It is easy to miss the mark on price in this market. Don’t let the days continue to click by without creating a strategy to reduce the price. Get your seller on board by setting the stage and being honest about how the market is responding to their listing.

Denise Live! Price Reduction Conversations

Price reduction conversations can be a business minefield, but we are here to help you tread with grace and expertise. Learn how to navigate price reductions and turn pricing conflict into pricing partnership with skills like: setting expectations, now-market-pricing, and being able to clearly explain the pros-and-cons of a stay-or-reduce situation to even the most stubborn of clients.

Denise Live! Pricing Accurately from the Start

Do you wonder about pricing or get a knot in your stomach before each listing goes to market, worrying whether pricing recommendation was too high - or was it too low? Denise knows how to price property right the first time and you can’t just do it by looking at comps, square footage, or what other neighborhood homes have sold for.

Denise Live! Pricing in a Faux Market

Many agents are currently operating in a faux market. Curious what that means? Learn how to recognize a faux market, how to both confidently price and protect your clients from bad pricing, and how to communicate pricing strategies when the market isn’t what it seems to be.

Denise Live! Pricing in an Emotional Market

Our housing market promises to continue apace with limited inventory for some time, magnifying the ups-and-downs that your potential buyers will feel, but for the home seller, many are just feeling up-up-up! You need to bring them back to a competitive, realistic price and a CMA is absolutely not going to do it.

Denise Live! Pricing Strategies for Homes with No Comps

Top among agent frustrations is when you take on a new listing only to discover that the home you need to price has absolutely no comps. Where do you begin and how do you get it right. Denise has several strategies to get you on the right track, even when the surrounding market is quickly appreciating in value. Learn how to price right, even when you have no comps.

Homes Pended and Sold Template

This Publisher template is formatted to highlight homes pended and sold. Please follow your MLS rules about publicizing other agents' listings.

Housing Affordability

This is the moment in history, right now, where your clients can afford as much home as they can based on the affordability index that we have right now. What is the housing affordabililty index? What does it mean? Watch and learn.

How To Use the Assessed Value Analysis

Assessed values can be a handy yardstick to measure against the market. Homeowners receive property taxes based on their assessed values every year. Learn how to use this figure to talk about the real estate market. The Assessed Value Analysis is an easy worksheet that you can use for a number of different occasions from helping you determine market price to talking with your sellers about a value they are familiar with and more! Presented by Shauna Naf, CEO.

It Really Is All About Price

For years, I've talked about the power of pricing properties correctly. As a real estate agent, you can have everything else in place - great marketing materials, a powerful network of contacts, and listings galore. But if you don't use the power of corrective pricing, then you're in a fancy rowboat without a paddle.

Median Price Appreciation Calculator

A quick tool for calculating how much the market is changing over time, year to year. Simply enter the year and median sales price, the rest of the worksheet will do the calculations for you.

Monthly Range Analysis

The Monthly Range Analysis, part of the Pricing System, allows you to look at ratios by price point. Excel file.

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