Letter-Based Campaigns

If you are looking for sample letters that you can send to your prospects, you've come to the right place.

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MLS Shortage Article 2 with Listing and Pending Graph

Don't just tell your targeted MLS shortages about the lack of inventory - show it with this article, complete with editable listing to pending graph. Download the accompanying Excel file and update with your own information.

MLS Shortage Letter with Price Increase Graph

When you are getting the word out about an MLS Shortage, don't just tell the market, show it! With this letter and graph, show how the market has responded to the shortage with greater price increases than the rest of the market. Download with the Excel file to create your own graph.

MLS Shortage Marketing Letter 1

Use this letter to target any shortage from price points, style of home, area, etc

MLS Shortage Marketing Letter for Expired Listings

Use this letter to target any expired listing with similarities to a subject property which has just pended quickly.

MLS Shortage Marketing Letter For When You Have a Buyer

Since some agents use a "fake buyer" to lure in potential homesellers, how do you compose a letter when you truly have a buyer wanting a home in a particular neighborhood, style of home, amenities, etc? They key is to make it convincing enough through details to indicate you actually do have a living and breathing buyer who is interested in buying. If you have already exhausted the expired listings who meet that criteria, you can send this letter.

Neighborhood Letter High Demand Sale

This letter can be sent to the area surrounding a listing that has recently sold for a very low days on market, high list to sales price ratio, or for multiple offers. Especially if there are inventory challenges in the greater area, this can spell opportunity for those agents who connect with neighbors and get the word out.

Neighborhood New Listing Letter Series

Sending these three simple letters out to the neighbors when Denise got a listing catapulted her business! It can do the same for you. Put the power of these letters to work for you.

Neighborhood Open House Invitation Letter

Can your real estate invitation letters draw more buzz? A special invitation to the neighbors should be part of your plan. We’ve made it easy for you by creating the letter template. Simply add your open house details and contact information!

Neighborhood Open House Safety Letter

Invite neighbors to the open house and show your concern for their safety! "With open houses comes additional traffic to your neighborhood.  Because we do anticipate increased traffic when holding open houses, I am happy to place 'slow down' signs and flags in front of your property during open house hours."

Renter Introductory Letter with properties on market comparison

In this first letter to send out via a renter campaign, also include three properties currently for sale which would be similar to the amount they are paying for rent.

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