Take a deep dive into how to find a successful geographical farm and then learn the skills and materials you need to dominate it.
Join Denise Lones and Shauna Naf as they provide you with high-impact ideas! You will learn: how to choose a productive farm area, narrowing down your list to fit your budget within that farm aream determining a mailing plan, how to make your materials and message stand out, the different homeowner personality types and how to create a compelling message for each, and how to use your listings and other recent sales to send a strong message to potential sellers in the neighborhood.
If you have ever wanted to develop a geographical farm, but aren't sure how to get started, join Shauna as she delves into the things to consider. From finding areas with a good sales history to actually procuring a list, determining your budget and size options, Shauna will cover it all. Get ready!
Are you sending mail to your geographical farm, but feel like you need to add a little more oomph to get the results you want? Join Denise as she shares six ways you can make a strong impact within your farm area.
Equestrian, geographical farms, and recreation housing markets have a lot to offer for agents who are willing to develop their knowledge and do more than scratch the surface. Dive into the special client needs of each and how to attract them by speaking their marketing language.
There is a critical foundation of work to do before you invest time and money into farming. CEO Shauna Naf and MLS expert Jamie Holmes show you how to find strong areas in your MLS, budget for how many people to target, and how both your MLS and public records can reveal gems in your chosen area.
Geographical farming has long been a staple of real estate agents. There's no question that geographical farming can be a successful method of lead generation. However, many agents try geo farming without success, and declare, "Geographic farming doesn't work."
But with just a little planning (and the right natural personality style), geographical farming can be a successful lead generation method.
Many agents begin farming because they "like" an area. We'll share with you how to do the research to learn exactly which geographical farms are likely to bear fruit... and which will be a barren wasteland.
In today's internet-driven world, real estate agents often overlook a powerful tool that still works: geographical farming. While there are more marketing options now than ever before, this old-school approach is still an incredible choice for lead generation.
In order to truly become the expert in your farm area you need to have a large binder (or two!) full of detailed information about the farm. Learn the different information you should gather and how to organize it. This is also known as a Farming Bible.
Sending these three simple letters out to the neighbors when Denise got a listing catapulted her business! It can do the same for you. Put the power of these letters to work for you.
In our closing piece for this five part series on niche marketing, Denise talks about one of her favorite niche marketing strategies - geographical farming. Fewer agents are doing it today, but the agents who are doing it are making more money at it. Learn the basic concepts behind geographical farming.
If you are creating or refining your geographical farming system, join in as Shauna tours some basic tools and templates you will want to make sure your system includes as well as some extras that will knock your farm's socks off. We will discuss creating your mailing plan, targeting data, quarterly reports, event-driven materials, and an annual report that will crown you the consummate area expert. We will also discuss mailing options.