Not sure what kind of lead generation is the best fit for you? We'll show you how to match a strategy to your personality and your business style.
Our topic this month was "From Attorneys to Zen Masters: Growing Your Niche Market." Listen in as Denise covers four different ways to approach niche markets, with a bevy of examples for exactly how to be successful and market to each one. We'll also cover strategies for entering a niche market and how to identify the right niche market for you. Curious about how to break into equestrian properties or the luxury market? Is there a market specialty that you have or wish you had? Denise has some great advice for you in this call.
Our topic for May was Thinking Outside the PO Box, the Power of Niche Lists. Did you know there is an untapped market right in your backyard? Take marketing to specific niche markets to a whole new level when you learn how to harness the power of niche database lists. Join Denise Lones and special guest Nancy Burch from Old Republic Title, who will show you just how much information there is available right now that will help you develop your own niche list - and an accompanying campaign that will knock their socks off and have them running to pick up the phone. If you've been wondering how to find the right contacts for your niche campaign, then prepare to be wowed!
A burst of connection activity now can be a boon to the start of your year. We will discuss the power of connections, tracking, goal-setting, and the power of focused activity.
Is your lead generation pipeline running half-empty? In part two of our June business planning series we're going to share strategies that give you more control over your business faucet, how to keep it full, and what kind of outreach will help you generate opportunities in today's market.
A lot can go wrong when putting together a lead generation campaign. What works for one agent can easily fail when it isn’t the right fit for your personality, your business style, your target area and audience, or because of a different budget or market. Putting together campaigns that work takes insight, consistency, and flexibility as they mature. Denise guides you through how to create (or fix) your lead generation efforts.
Do you struggle to visualize how to reach your goals? You’re not alone. In today’s fail-fast-and-learn-lessons world, taking a shortcut and skipping the work of planning is a strong temptation. Yet a little effort into planning can save you money, time, and greatly increase your odds of success. Join us as we look at three parts of your business where you can use the power of planning to your advantage: your database, your lead generation, and your finances.
Are you struggling to find enough fish to feed your business? If you are doing the work, but not generating business, it may be time for you to move your business boat, but where to? Do you need a small change or a big one? Learn how to tell if you are fishing in the wrong place, how to identify new waters, and how to make a splash as you get started.
Watch Denise as she begins her series on lead generation with a discussion of the four personality styles and their impact on successful lead generation.
No matter how hard you try to avoid it, it's impossible. Inevitably, you wake up one day and you're out of business. Nothing in your pipeline. No income. No hope. Why? How did this happen? What did you do wrong? I know it’s a scary thought, but many agents wake up to this realization one morning and begin to panic.
Follow along with nationally recognized real estate educator and coach Denise Lones as she is interviewed by Mike Cerrone of Master Mind Agent. This interview was featured at the Agent Success Summit, hosted by Master Mind Agent. In this call Denise addresses common objections that agents have to getting lead generation done and how to overcome those objections by finding a lead generation system that compliments their work and personality style. There are lots of examples and great ideas in this call, enjoy!
Lead generation is by far the most neglected area - along with follow-up - for a real estate agent in this business. Part of this is because the agent hasn't figured out what kind of lead generation is going to suite their personality. Denise covers both active and passive prospecting and offers suggestions for agents of all kinds of personality styles.
There's not an industry out there where "generalists" make more money than "specialists" and real estate is no different! Yet many agents are afraid to specialize, for fear they will "lose" business. Put those fears aside, and become a niche marketing expert. We'll cover a number of different niche markets, and provide an overview of the many possibilities that exist.
Part three of Denise's five part niche marketing series - how do you choose the right niche market? Learn the rules to choose the right niche for you.
Over the past five years I have taught thousands of Real Estate Agents and in every class I teach, I ask Real Estate agents how they prospect. Do you know that over 95% of all Real Estate agents tell me that the types of prospecting they do are primarily restricted to past clients, family and friends, sphere of influence and contacts?
It's time to look at lead generation for the two remaining personality styles - Controllers and Analyticals. This video focuses on these personality styles and their best lead generation opportunities.
People love an expert... and teaching classes gives you a chance to shine in front of potential clients. We'll take the fear out of teaching, with solid suggestions for ideas on making your next teaching experience one that will convert attendees into clients.
Where will your lead generation efforts be most rewarded? It depends on where the fish are biting! A handy excel tool for narrowing down where you should be spending your lead generation time.