Past Client Care

Past real estate clients are your source for strong referrals, but only if you keep in touch. Learn how to provide true value after the transaction without feeling cheesy and keep your clients, and referrals coming back for more.

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Past Client Letter - Asking for Feedback

Use this letter to get more reviews on Zillow or Yelp or to great advice and feedback from your clients after the sale

Past Client Neglect

Learn how systems help to stay in contact with past clients, and the key factors in making your system work for you.

Post Closing 30-Day Follow-Up Email

Use this email to solicit feedback and testimonials from your clients 30 days post-closing.

Post Closing Program Buyer Checklist

Secure referrals with a strong post-close program

Post Closing Program Seller Checklist

Secure referrals with a strong post-close program

Potential Income Tracker - Weekly Communication Plan

Now that you have your leads situated in you Potential Income Tracker, it is time to develop a conversion plan that will translate to written contracts! While I recommend that you follow-up with your core database once a month, you really must be following up with your P.I.T. clients once a week. Follow along as we discuss the impact of personalities on your personal income tracker and what follow-up and client care for these different personalities looks like, weather your client is a buyer or a seller.

Powerful Annual Client Reviews

One of the most powerful marketing tools in your client care tool belt.

Request a Review Letter

Want more online reviews? Here is a template for that! Just copy and paste this content into your email, update the links to your own, and customize for each client with a sentence or two about the transaction. Make quick work of getting those online reviews!

Sellers Feedback Report

Seller communication is a snap when you have a template to deliver the details.

Successful Closings

Create a memorable experience for your buyers and sellers and keep them coming back for more! Learn what your clients want from you during this critical time.

The Best Way to Keep In Touch With Your Past Clients

How to follow-up without seeming contrived.

The Importance of Client Care Follow-Up

Watch Denise as she begins her series on follow-up and client communication with a discussion of the need for consistency, and the use of an annual communication plan.

To Get More Clients, Think Like a Client

You won't only get more clients, you'll wow them too!

To Gift Or Not To Gift

Does giving gifts to clients after completing the transaction make a difference?

What Do Your Past Clients Want From You?

To find the answer...think like a past client!

Your Most Neglected Client

I'm willing to bet it's not who you think it is. It's certainly not your "now" clients. Real estate agents are great at handling their now clients. These are the people who keep you busy all day long.

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