Has life thrown you a curve ball? Maybe you are even thinking the grass looks greener somewhere else. Everyone experiences it, stop by here to learn what to do about it!
Real estate coach Denise Lones shares 5 actions you can take today to create strong business activity and results in the coming months.
How awareness of how you spend your day can increase your efficiency and give you more time to do the things you really want.
You know something is very wrong with our industry when a top producing agent - and I'm talking a major player here - calls to inform me that she's going to be getting out of the market.
In order to create a plan that will enhance your quality of life you must first decide what is REALLY important to you. Most people's priorities have nothing to do with what they want (or their values) but rather what they just must do or need to do to simply catch up with all the events that are going on in their hectic lives.
Many real estate agents fail to act on one essential truth - they are a business.
Have you ever asked yourself why you haven't reached the full potential of your abilities? You know in your heart that you can be more, but you're not quite there yet. Finding out why you're not requires some deep soul-searching. Take a few moments right now to ask yourself three questions, the answers to which will unveil what's holding you back.
Are you a distracted agent who's always looking for the, "latest thing?" In this short pep-talk, Denise talks about how "bright, shiny objects" distract agents from being successful and what do to about it.
I recently visited a real estate office for a business analysis. I walked in and said hello to the receptionist, who told me that the manager would be with me in a few minutes. I noticed four people talking in the resource room. By their conversation, they seemed to be real estate agents. One was doing floor duty and the others were - well, I'm not exactly sure what the others were doing.
The challenge with the real estate business is that often when you work the hardest is when you get paid the least. In real estate you don't get paid when you call a client, you don't get paid when you list a house, you don't get paid when you do a mailout, you don't get paid when you work on your marketing, and you don't get paid when you do CMA's.
This Club Zebra coaching call is all about things you should do to get your business organized and ready to grow. Denise has a wide variety of tips for exactly how you can get started with home/office organization, video marketing, geographical farming, learning technology and keeping connected with your prospects and clients.
It seems like not a day goes by that there isn't a reason to throw in the towel on your real estate career. From misbehaving agents to overly-demanding and unrealistic clients, to industry news that makes you want to bury your head in the sand, how can you possibly stay positive and stay above it? Denise has got some great pointers and ways to shield yourself from the negativity that can K.O. your mojo.
Most people are conformists, not contrarians. When we're children, society drills it into our heads to "fit in," "follow the crowd," and "avoid making waves." This may work when you're in grammar school, but when it comes to selling real estate the opposite is true. Being a contrarian is your key to big money because it helps you to stand out from the crowd, which is much more important than fitting in.
Think about all the real estate agents out there. Some have been out there just a day and they are already successful. Some have been in the business decades and are still at it. So what is it they know that is making them successful? Watch Denise Lones as she takes a look at what makes a real estate agent successful.
It's not only a new year around the corner, we are a quarter of a century into the 2000s and this is YOUR YEAR to shine! The market over the last few years has challenged even the best of agents, but it is time to finally STOP spinning your wheels, stop chasing this lead generation method or that, stop worrying about what every other agent is doing, and get focused on what YOU need to do to be successful.
Bad habits can suck hours out of your life each and every week and could be costing you thousands each year in commission! Now is the time to get refocused and rev up your business, but unless you make a plan to squelch those bad habits, will you be able to see those plans through? Let's get real about bad habits holding your business back and empower you to take back control!
As you reflect on the past year we want you to focus on your successes. Recognizing your wins is essential to your business health. In this episode, learn to recognize and leverage your wins towards a better business and better self.
When it feels like you have a lot on your plate all the time and a to-do list that never seems to end, it can feel like you aren’t making headway. But when was the last time you focused on what you DID get done? It is time to celebrate your 2024 wins and feel good about the progress you’ve made. We urge you to jot down your accomplishments because it is time to CELEBRATE and get empowered for a magnificent 2025!
Agents will often explain away what went wrong - maybe a transaction didn't work because a buyer's expectations were too high or a listing was lost because another company had a better business model. Here we take a look at the excuses that harm business success and how you can overcome and move past them.
Professional golfer Tiger Woods quips, "I smile at obstacles and my will can move mountains." It is a mindset and a great example of how many top performers approach each day before them. In this episode of Denise Live we’re going to take a look at how you can find your inner top performer too!