Don't just dream about a successful real estate business! Discover strategies, action plans and the how-to of getting from where you are now to where you want your business to be.
This time of year, I can hear the rustle of new business planners, the click of pens getting ready to jot down long to-do lists, and the mouse clicks of online shoppers looking for new organization systems.
No matter how hard you try to avoid it, it's impossible. Inevitably, you wake up one day and you're out of business. Nothing in your pipeline. No income. No hope. Why? How did this happen? What did you do wrong? I know it’s a scary thought, but many agents wake up to this realization one morning and begin to panic.
If you're like most real estate agents, then you find it difficult to track the finite details of your business - your money, the results of your advertising, client retention, days on market numbers, list-to-sale price ratios. The list is truly endless. But, just like filing your income taxes, tracking is an essential task. Have you learned your lesson from last tax season?
One of my colleagues has been raving about a local business. She keeps telling me, "Denise, you just HAVE to visit this place! It's a local farm that grows apples but it's just amazing on so many levels."
Quality of life, lead generation, income tracking and follow-up are keystones to your success in the real estate business. These hold up your business goals, whether that be a commission goal, goal to contribute a portion of your earnings to charity, or sell a certain number of homes per year. The first step to achieving these goals is to define them. This in-depth workbook is designed to help you define your goals and then create a plan of steps for achieving them.
Join Denise Lones for a discussion about the numbers that define your business health. What do your numbers say about your business? Do you like working with more buyers than sellers or 'ice 'ersa? Do you ha'e regular consistent business or do your numbers show you how sporadic your acti'ities are? If you don't ha'e a fool proof plan that ensures a smooth growing business, maybe the numbers can help you create the business you want.
In this pep talk, Denise asks you to identify the things that are wasting your time and not making you money.
Part two of four. Don't miss this video which focuses on attitude and mindset. This area is one of the most critical to master on the path to peak performance.
Learn why it's so important to conquer the mental challenges of peak performance.
Peak Performers aren't just born as such. They achieve it. Action and implementation is a very important step in getting there!
Part four of four of our discussion about peak performers. Now that we've talked about how important it is to take action and have a great attitude, but critical to every peak performer is the use of tools and systems to help achieve that peak performance. Denise will share with you what some of those tools are that peak performers are using in their business.
No successful business owner can get there without mastering themselves. Learn what that means in this first part of Denise's short three-part series on personal mastery.
Whether you have resolutions to keep or you want to change business habits for a better year, self-discipline is key to achieving your goals. Join Denise as she discusses three strategies for successful self-discipline: the five-minute rule, accountability, and your daily routine.
Action and implementation. Nine of the 27 proficiencies of peak performance fall within this category. Are you ready to move into the peak performance zone? Our Preparedness Assessment will help you determine if you're open to the process.
This worksheet is designed to help you review the highlights, strengths and weaknesses of your business as you have steered it over the last couple of years.
Denise recommends each agent have rules in their business - rules for time off, rules for pricing, commission, the types of properties you won't sell, and your geographical boundaries. Rules will provide you with freedom to say no!
Many agents take a little time each year to think about their goals. They may look at their business, make a goal to earn a little more, and leave it at that. However, to make a goal achievable, it takes more than just putting a number on a sheet of paper, it must also be actionable. Different people approach goes from different directions based on their response to challenge. Learn within how to identify your challenge-response habit, how that impacts your goals, and how to develop an action plan that can lead you to success.
It's the dinner hour, maybe later, and you look back over your day. Was it a day full of interruptions, pulled this way and that by the needs of the moment? This is how many agents and brokers spend much of their time. It's no surprise that at the end of the day they can't point to anything they did to sustain and grow their business. There's a simple and satisfying secret to breaking the cycle of react, react, react. Denise will share it with you in this video.
In my business, I talk to a lot of agents. I talk to agents about their successes. I talk to agents about their challenges. I talk to agents who love what they do; I talk to agents who are struggling to stay afloat in this economy. No two conversations are alike, because no two agents are alike.
Denise speaks on the importance of four areas of accountability. Who are you accountable to? What things should you be accountable to? Watch this short presentation to find out more.