Working with other agents can be a pleasure or a headache, learn the win-win skills you need whether you're working with a co-worker, forming a partnership, leading a team, or running a brokerage.
Set yourselves up for success! An agreement is critical in any sort of business relationship. Because conflict is inevitable, it is important to discuss any potential conflict up front in order to manage expectations and create the smoothest path to resolution. As Denise likes to say,
"Agreements prevent disagreements."
Ready to kick your agent accountability up a notch? This handy Word Document provides the template for you to perform your quarterly or annual production review with an agent. The Excel file will populate the graphs to include by inputting their production details. Having visuals of their graphs provides good discussion points and helps both the agent - and you - be on the same page regarding their numbers.
One of the biggest challenges facing brokers today is recruiting productive agents.
Our white paper, "Recruit Today for Increased Profitability Tomorrow," addresses many of the core challenges faced by brokers today, offering ideas and inspiration for successful recruiting.
Denise Lones takes the fear out of recruiting and knows how to help brokers successfully build profitable offices. During her time as a managing broker, she used her custom recruiting plan to revitalize a brokerage that was at the bottom of the market place, moving it to the #1 position in just 18 months. She specializes in working with brokers to help them build stronger, more profitable teams through recruiting and retention.
This CD will teach you how to handle objections in a way that will have you excited for the next one. Objections are a person's way of getting more information, stalling or getting ready to buy or sell. Learn these differences and you are home free. This CD will go through every possible objection while selling real estate and show you the successful way to handle every one of them. Also included is powerful material on how to negotiate and make situations win-win for everyone.
This year, there is one question agents have asked me more than in any other year: "Denise, I'm thinking about leaving my brokerage for a different one. Should I make the move?" It's understandable that you may be thinking about moving to a different office. Granted, this year has been a challenge. But before you take the big leap, I want you to ask yourself why you're thinking about moving. Is it for the right reasons or for the wrong reasons? Do you really think the grass will be greener on the other side?
Have you hired an assistant? Learn why doing so may be worth your consideration.
What do you do when a stranger calls and you only have a moment to capture their potential future business. Learn what NOT to say and how to speak so the caller will want to talk to you. Learn how to guide the call and have the caller wanting to hear what else you have to say. Find out the easy way to capture their contact information without sounding like a telemarketer.
Most Real Estate agents that need an assistant don't get one because they are worried about training them. Perhaps you are too busy to train an assistant or just worry that you wouldn't know what to do with one if you had one. Learn how to find the perfect assistant for your personality type and business style and learn how easy it is to keep them busy with task oriented duties. Learn to leverage your time and multiply your income using an assistant.
In this episode, Denise talks about situations where you are in conflict with yourself - situations where you upset yourself by breaking appointments and commitments that you have made to yourself.
Not only is knowing your personality type important for determining the strengths and challenges you face when it comes to adjusting your business plan, it is also important for considering how you communicate with others. Familiarize yourself with this handy overview of the different personality-types and how it affects sales behavior, priorities, expectations, reactions to stress, how they treat money and much, much more.
If you are an office manager or owner you have to learn what it is your agents want from you, their leader. Learn to set up an environment that will create successful agents which in turn create a successful and thriving office for you. Learn the system that Denise uses to build offices from nothing special into something spectacular. You will not only hear about these successes you will also be given the exact blue print for duplication. Denise will walk you through a step-by-step plan she guarantees will dramatically improve and enhance your office performance and success.
Are you thinking of hiring an assistant? Here is a compilation of great resources that are available online as well as a job description for your job posting and a quiz that you can offer your assistant candidates.
In part two of three in Denise's Personal Mastery series, Denise addresses the art of saying, "No." Learn how the inability to say no is killing your time and what to do about it.
When agents represent their clients' needs and these needs differ from your clients', there is bound to be conflict! However, sometimes this conflict rises above mere negotiations. How do you keep a cool head and keep conflict from getting ugly? Watch this Mastery Forum webinar recording and learn how from Denise!
Today we're talking about conflict - this is a subject that gets agents nervous and unfortunately holds them back. In this tip Denise introduces how to deal with conflict.
Join Denise for a tele-coaching call about assistants. We'll cover everything you've wondered about assistants, including: how to tell if you are ready for one, how to integrate an assistant into your business, the right level of compensation, whether to find a licensed or unlicensed assistant, where you can find a skilled and trainable assistant, and how to find an assistant that will mesh well with your personality style.
So many great people are hired who never live up to their potential because they haven't had valuable interaction with their employer. Shauna will be illustrating how to set up a plan for expectations, accountability, and appreciation that allows an employee to not only be good, but great, as they grow into their role. This is part three in Shauna's hiring series and I encourage you to take a look at parts one and two which covered identifying needs and hiring the right person.
In this episode, we're dealing with an agent on the other side of the transaction that is driving us crazy. She has done nothing that she's supposed to do and our buyer is getting ready to walk away from the transaction. How will Denise tell this agent exactly what it is that she's doing wrong and how will she to present it? Watch and see.