Listing Management

Every listing has its challenges, from winning listing presentations to home pricing discussions. We've got all your bases covered when it comes to success with your next listing.

Price Reduction Letter

While we recommend that the possibility of price reductions be a part of your initial conversations once you have a listing contract, we know that many agents procrastinate about this. We also realize that many agents bend to seller pressures and list homes with a bias towards the sellers desire rather than pricing based on their professional expertise. However, when the time comes that you know a price reduction is necessary, you will need to take action. If calling the client isn't appropriate, then we hope that you'll find this sample price reduction letter to be a helpful guide.

If you use this letter, don't forget to update it with your own information!

Listing Cancellation Letter

Not sure how to end the relationship in writing after you've spoken with your clients? After you have received the documents to release the listing, send a letter thanking them for the opportunity to work together.

Listing Walk-Through Checklist

It's time to do your first walk-through of a new listing - do you know what you are looking for? Make sure you get all the details right the first time and use our Listing Walk-Through Checklist! You'll have all the details you need, ready and at your fingertips when you start marketing the property.

Listing Presentation Agenda

Meetings are always more successful with an agenda! No matter how well you may already know the seller, be sure to show up with an agenda for the meeting.

What To Do When A Seller Asks You To Cut Your Commission

Learn how to negotiate away from cutting your paycheck!

Listing Presentation Series #5: Powerful Print Marketing Tools

I want to discuss the power of your print marketing tools... and why you simply must spend time creating a portfolio of materials that represents your professional expertise and shows your sellers exactly how you'll market their home.

Listing Presentation Series #4: Powerful Technology Tools

Regardless of whether technology is important to you in your personal life, you must step up to the technology plate when it comes to your business. In today's world, providing the widest possible array of online marketing tools is critically important to your success as a listing agent.

How To Survive and Thrive in a Highly Competitive Market

The real estate market is more competitive than ever before. There are many changes and keeping up with all of them can be exhausting. The most dramatic changes have to do with the consumer, they have changed their real estate tune and we better start listening.

Business Boost Ep1: Rethinking Your Listing Presentation

As presented by Denise Lones, you will learn how your listing presentation has to evolve to work with today's seller, how to explain your expertise and experience, and how to showcase your listing system in a way that leaves sellers wanting more.

Listing Presentation Series #3: Powerful Client Communication Tools

This is the third article in my series on powerful listing presentations, where we'll be covering pricing, communication, technology, marketing, and home presentation & photography. This week I want to discuss powerful client communication tools and how they will enhance your listing presentation.

It Really Is All About Price

For years, I've talked about the power of pricing properties correctly. As a real estate agent, you can have everything else in place - great marketing materials, a powerful network of contacts, and listings galore. But if you don't use the power of corrective pricing, then you're in a fancy rowboat without a paddle.

Secrets to Great Listing Presentations

Expert tips for listing presentation success in all situations.

Listing Presentation Series #2: Powerful Pricing Tools

In Listing Presentation #1 - Polish Your Presentations I talked about the importance of having a powerful listing presentation that covers five critical areas: pricing, communication, technology, marketing, and home presentation & photography. This week I'm going to look at the first of those categories - pricing - to illustrate how powerful pricing tools can enhance your listing presentation.

Top Pricing Mistakes Made By Real Estate Agents

Pricing is one of the most challenging and intimidating tasks in the life of a real estate agent, but we all have to face it. The biggest challenge is that part of the listing presentation is based on pricing the home. This sets up either a win-win situation or a lose-lose situation depending on how you handle this very important topic.

How To Use the Assessed Value Analysis

Assessed values can be a handy yardstick to measure against the market. Homeowners receive property taxes based on their assessed values every year. Learn how to use this figure to talk about the real estate market. The Assessed Value Analysis is an easy worksheet that you can use for a number of different occasions from helping you determine market price to talking with your sellers about a value they are familiar with and more! Presented by Shauna Naf, CEO.

Listing Presentation Series #1: Polish Your Presentations

Today's savvy sellers require much more information than a CMA and a smile. They expect an in-depth analysis of their local market. They want a customized marketing plan, tailored to their home and their needs. They want to know they are hiring an expert. If your listing presentation isn't one of your most powerful tools, you're going to lose the listing.

New Listing Checklist

This editable Word Document is a great starter for creating your own new listing checklist. Consider the extra steps you take, eliminate the ones you don't need, and you will always have a system to follow for new listings.

How to Handle Any Objection

This CD will teach you how to handle objections in a way that will have you excited for the next one. Objections are a person's way of getting more information, stalling or getting ready to buy or sell. Learn these differences and you are home free. This CD will go through every possible objection while selling real estate and show you the successful way to handle every one of them. Also included is powerful material on how to negotiate and make situations win-win for everyone.