Mastery Forums

Mastery Forums are short webinars that are hosted weekly for our coaching members. Each features a presentation on a topic that we commonly receive questions about and is ten to twenty minutes long. Attendees are also able to participate in the question-anwer session that follows the webinar presentation.

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Touring the Geographical Farming System

If you are creating or refining your geographical farming system, join in as Shauna tours some basic tools and templates you will want to make sure your system includes as well as some extras that will knock your farm's socks off. We will discuss creating your mailing plan, targeting data, quarterly reports, event-driven materials, and an annual report that will crown you the consummate area expert. We will also discuss mailing options.

Touring the Listing Presentation Tools

Sellers want to be wowed by the agent they hire to sell their home and every listing presentation can be improved by the use of props. Take a tour with Shauna of the various listing presentation materials you might put to work for you, both agendas and several different kinds of listing presentation boards. We'll show you how to work with these tools and how to use them during your presentation.

Touring the Open House Tools

Join Shauna as she takes you on a tour of the marketing tools that come with the Open House system. From the sign that welcomes your guests at the front door to the booklet that you can provide to potential buyers when they leave, she will show you the different tools, functionality, how to display them and discuss how to get them printed.

Touring Your Mastery Dashboard

Your Mastery Dashboard is your online center for resources related to your year long Mastery coaching program. Join Randy as he takes you on a tour of the Dashboard, shows you how you can edit your timeline, access project related resources and more!

Tracking Client Communication

Is this year the year you plan on really ramping up your communication with your clients, past clients, and sphere? Join Shauna as she shows you three easy ways to do it – high tech, medium tech, and low tech

Understanding IDX for Real Estate Agents

If you spend any time at all using some of the technology that is available to you as a real estate agent then you've probably come across IDX. Usually you hear about it in context with having listings at your website, but IDX services are much more than this. Learn what it is, when it matters to you, and how different kinds of IDX services can be leveraged to grow both your online presence and your business.

Using Excel and Year-End Data to Create a Mailer

Want to put together an amazing year-end report but are thwarted by boring-looking data? Shauna can save your report! Join her as she illustrates how to make your data do the talking.

Using Microsoft Excel to Chart Market Data

One of the challenges agents have with research is that once they find the data, they don't have a system for showing this information to their clients. Shauna will show you how to create a chart in Microsoft® Excel using different sets of data, will address how to choose the best chart for your data, how to adjust colors and fonts in your chart, and finally how to get your chart into Publisher. You will learn about Shauna's mantra, "Right-click is your friend," and how to incorporate shortcuts as you develop your chart-making prowess.

Using the Potential Income Tracker

How do you keep track of your clients who want to buy or sell in three months, six months, or even a year from now? When you put the Potential Income Tracker to work for you, those potential clients won't slip through the cracks along with your commission. You may be surprised at how much commission you have coming your way if you can provide your potential clients with all the information they need about their upcoming transaction. We will also show you how to build an ongoing plan to provide stellar service to these clients.

WordPress 4: Creating a Community Page

A community page - or neighborhood page - is a page on your website that introduces that community to your visitors. This is an excellent way to add depth to your website that both your visitors and search engines will appreciate. In this webinar we will show you how to create the community page, talk about what kind of content you might include on it, and show you how to add that page to your website's navigation. As a bonus, we'll also show you how to set your page up to show listings if your website is connected to IDX Broker's services.

WordPress 4: Effortless Sharing with Jetpack

Learn how you can set up your blog so that when you add new content to it, it will automatically share that content with your social networks like Facebook or Twitter. Sharing your content has a huge impact on getting people to visit your website, but many agents overlook this step. Let's automate it so that it's not accidentally forgotten in the future!

WordPress 4: Getting Started with WordPress

In this webinar we'll tour the WordPress 4 dashboard, show you how to how to edit your website content, how to add video and pictures, and provide you with some beginning knowledge for using this incredibly powerful and easy-to-use website manager. Presented by Randy Bowers, Director of Technology at The Lones Group.

WordPress 4: How to Create a Sold Property Gallery

Want to showcase sold properties on your WordPress website, but your IDX company doesn't have that option? Maybe your website isn't connected to the MLS at all? Don't let technology hold you back. We’ll show you a couple ways that you can quickly put together your very own sold gallery.

WordPress 4: How to Create Interactive Forms

In this webinar we'll be looking at how we can easily create interactive forms on a WordPress website. We'll create a Request a Home Valuation form that will email us our visitors' request as an example.

WordPress 4: How to Post by Email

Did you know that you can post to your WordPress website's blog by sending it an email? Yes, you can email your website and it will post what you sent to your blog. It's true! It's also really easy to do. You can even email a link to a video and your website will automatically embed it. Join us for this Mastery Forum where we'll show you how to turn this magic feature on and several live examples of how it works.

WordPress 4: Mastering the Media Library

WordPress is a great platform for having your website on because it comes with so many fantastic tools that make using your website very easy. One of these tools is the media library. We'll be touring the media library's features and you'll learn how easy it is to get your pictures, videos and other documents into WordPress. We'll then apply what we've learned by going through the steps of adding a picture, a video and a link to a document to our website. Presented by Randy Bowers, Director of Technology.

WordPress 4: Private Client Pages

Did you know that you can create password protected pages at your WordPress website? Join us for a short presentation showing you how you can put this powerful option to work and together we'll create a resource page for a fictional seller.

WordPress 5: Getting Started with WordPress

In this webinar we will tour the WordPress 5 dashboard, show you how to how to edit your website content, how to add video and pictures, and provide you with some beginning knowledge for using this incredibly powerful and easy-to-use website manager. Presented by Randy Bowers, Director of Technology at The Lones Group.

WordPress 5: Real Estate Website Contact Forms

In this webinar we'll be showing you how to create contact forms for customer care and lead generation purposes, using the new WordPress 5 editor. Along the way we'll be sharing best practices for how to get the most out of your real estate website's forms.

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