Online tools are part of our paid Club Zebra PRO services. Feel free to watch the related videos linked to below and if you want to go PRO, just click the Join Club Zebra Today banner shown above.
Accountability is often the bridge between success and failure. People in every field perform at their highest levels by being accountable to someone - whether it's a coach, shareholders, or a supervisor. This tool helps you stay accountable to your lead generation, marketing, follow-up and quality-of-life goals.
Many agents are unaware of the potential income available to them. This may be the result of homes that have sat on the market too long, but it can just as easily be the result of the agent cutting their commission, poor matching of home price to the demands of the market, or a pattern of client mismanagement. This tool is for helping you identify your unrealized commission potential.
This collection of business graphs and charts illustrate information based on your Private Income Tracker activities.
The Master Follow-Up Plan is a tool designed to help you create a marketing plan that will put you on track to realize your income goals and business success. Before using this tool, we suggest that you first use the Client Goal Calculator tool to determine how many points and roughly how many clients you will need to achieve these goals.
The Client Goal Calculator is designed to help provide you with a general guideline of how many people you need to be working with to achieve a certain desired level of income when combined with a thorough and regularly followed marketing plan.